October 22, 2019

The Men of Victory Lane Speak Out

When it comes to serving in a camp session with Victory Lane, the men within a family often face apprehension, unsure of what they will experience […]
June 11, 2019

Connection without Distraction: Women’s Refresh Weekend

Melissa Youngquist and Amy Muegge spend most of their time focused on their families and their jobs. There’s little time for refreshment and connection with other […]
December 31, 2018

Making Room to Serve

Attending a summer session with Victory Lane Camp opens up the opportunity for shared experiences and deeper connections. As families are joining together in community, they […]
November 30, 2018

Leading By Example

Nancy McCullers has devoted most of her career to people of varying needs. Through her work at the State Hospital, The Soldiers and Sailors Home, and […]