Henry County REMC provides safe and reliable electrical service to its members, but it was the energy they bring to families who have children with disabilities that earned them the 2016 Victory Award from Victory Lane Camp. VLC Founder Brett Fischer presented the award to Henry County REMC staff members Anita Ervin and Haley Teague at an appreciation program in November.
Henry County REMC’s connection with Victory Lane Camp started in 2014 when VLC received an Operation Roundup Grant. The Operation Roundup program allows Henry County REMC customers the opportunity to round their bill to the next highest dollar and the change goes into a community fund.
“A team of five of our customers/members serve on a board that decides where the funds go,” noted Lara Sullivan, Manager of Marketing and Communications for Henry County REMC. “We try to help anybody we can and try to spread it throughout our service territory. VLC is such an awesome program that reaches so many, continuously.”
Henry County REMC also invites Victory Lane Camp to participate in its annual Co-op Community Day. In 2015 REMC selected VLC to receive most of the donated proceeds from the event.
“Victory Lane Camp was one of the first we have helped through Co-Op Community Day. We will always invite them back to have a booth for free and represent their organization,” Sullivan shared. “I look forward to VLC getting with us each year. Tiffanny does a wonderful job of communicating with us and letting us know what’s going on.”
Support from organizations like Henry County REMC makes Victory Lane Camp possible. These partners make a difference in the lives of families who have been impacted by disabilities.
“As we mentioned at the appreciation program, REMC is one of the keys that opens the door for Victory Lane Camp to walk through and serve families,” expressed Tiffanny Youngquist, Assistant Director for VLC. “We’re thankful for their encouragement and support.”