Smile-Maker Moments

Smiling Faces at Victory Lane Camp

Throughout the past year, Victory Lane Camp has experienced several smile-maker moments. Here’s a sampling of these stories:

1. Mason’s Family Continues Connections
Mason Griffin and his parents connected with Victory Lane Camp four years ago, but didn’t attend camp until this past summer. The highlight of camp for Mason was spending time with Ken and Liz Ritchie, who were serving as a Backyard Mission Trip Family. Mason’s stepdad Todd expressed, “He loved Ken and Liz to death and still talks about Ken.” Even while at camp, when they were separated, Mason would ask, “Where’s my friend?” Todd appreciated the comfort in new connections made at camp. “We were just relaxing together… A bunch of us going through the same thing, realizing we all live around the corner from each other. Unless you experience it, you just don’t know.”

2. Donors Make Refresh Weekend Possible for Victory Mom
In 14 years, Taby Wise had never spent even one night away from her son, AJ. That is until she attended the Mom’s Refresh weekend with VLC. At first, Taby thought it would be better for her financially to work that weekend. She and Paige Fischer prayed over the situation together and decided that Taby should apply for a High Five Crew grant. Through the help of the High Five Crew, Taby was able to attend. “It really lifted up my spirits to know that with so much moral support, I can handle anything.”

3. The Careys Go to Camp
Christine Carey didn’t think summer camp was something that would be possible for her son, Alex, but during their time at camp, Christine felt overwhelmed by the love and support of strangers. Strangers, she describes, “who are becoming family.” Alex summed up his feelings about the week in his testimony on the last night, “This time of year has been the best time of my life. The best thing has been everything. Also, the pool.”

4. Creating Smiles Through Song And Capturing Smiles Through Photography
Mike and Ashley Brown consistently give of their time and talents to help create smiles for VLC. Mike Brown has a gift for music. Ashley Brown has an eye for photography. Together, this couple has a heart for Victory Lane Camp. It began with Ashley visiting camp as the photographer three years ago. It continues as their whole family is now fully invested in the VLC community. One of Mike’s favorite moments at camp was watching Victory Kid Claire react to the music. “You could tell she was enjoying it and connecting to it. It helps you understand that the power of music can connect with all people no matter how they can communicate.”

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