Medical Mission Trip
Who: Therapists, Doctors, Nurses, and Students majoring in a healthcare profession.
Exercise your professional skills and training within the context of a camp setting by providing rehabilitation therapy to our campers with disabilities within camp community activities.
Meal Mission
Who: Churches, Community Organizations, Medical Practices, Small Groups, etc.
Get a glimpse of camp life while your team provides a nutritious meal to support the physical development of our campers, families, and staff. Get ready for lots of smiles and appreciation… everyone loves our meal mission teams!
Backyard Mission Trip Family
Who: Families with a HUGE heart for children with disabilities
Experience connections with people of all abilities. Receive hands-on “true life” lessons on building an inclusive, supportive community that you can continue to enjoy all year.
Year-Round Mission
Who: Individuals who want to invest in the operations and planning of Victory Lane community activities on a regular basis.
If you have an interest in accounting, event planning, church relations, donor development, communications, or marketing, you can join a “Pit Crew” that’s making a difference in the lives of many families.