Zonda Ketcham understands the impact of volunteering with her children. The Ketcham family has been an instrumental part of the Victory Lane Camp community since the summer of 2013.
Zonda’s friendships with Sarah Urwin and Paige Fischer led to her involvement with VLC. “Sarah asked if I’d be interested in helping plan that first camp and we have been hooked ever since,” Zonda shared.
Zonda helps plan activities for the week of camp. For the second summer of camp, Zonda took on the area of disability awareness. She explained, “It is a program geared for our Backyard Mission Trip Kids designed to educate them on different disabilities that their new friends experience every day and how to interact with their friends who have special needs.”
Last year, Zonda facilitated the program with the help of volunteers, which included her four children. Daniel, Benjamin, Audrey, and Elizabeth have served alongside Zonda each summer and always look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. “To them, it is a week of fun. To me, it is an opportunity to see the Lord shine through them and learn to impact their community,” expressed Zonda.
Through their experiences together as volunteers for VLC, Zonda can see the difference it makes in her children and her family. As she said, “Their world is much bigger than they realized and it is made up of many wonderfully different people. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses.” She continues, “Each of us is special in God’s eyes. He loves us very much, and we should love one another as He loves us.”
Interested in a Backyard Mission Trip experience like this? Learn more here.