During our first annual Fundraising Banquet, Emily Colson shared an experience after bringing her son Max (diagnosed with Autism) to the grocery store for the first time. At first while shopping, Max was doing great, handling the “newness” of this “grocery world” without difficulty. However, as they approached the checkout lanes his sensory level reached its maximum input. Lights, Sounds, Colors, Waiting in lines and too many choices overwhelmed Max’s sensory system and he ended up throwing a tantrum because he couldn’t process all the new information he was receiving. Kneeling beside her inconsolable son, she watched shopping carts strategically avoid the scene. She remained paralyzed with emotion, uncertainty and hopelessness until some “compassionate feet of waiting grace” appeared. A helpful neighbor, who was willing to stand by and say, “I will wait until you can think of how I can help.”
One week after our first banquet, this true story from Emily and Max’s life is replaying over and over in my mind. One of our passions at Victory Lane Camp is to empower and equip communities of individuals who understand and will choose to act in situations just like this. During our Vacation with a Purpose, we invite community organizations and churches to be “compassionate feet of waiting grace” who will respond to the needs of families of children with disabilities when they return back home. What are you doing for vacation next summer, why don’t you make it a life transforming experience for you, your children and the families with special needs in your community? We would love to hear your story of Compassionate Feet of waiting Grace that you have experienced from a family member or stranger.