Bringing Memories and Meaning:

Crystal Ingram Begins Camp Coordinator Role

Crystal Ingram understands first-hand the power of a Victory Lane camp experience, made possible by generous supporters. She and her daughter, Ruby, first attended camp in 2017 and the relationships that started at camp have continued with enduring friendships. As Victory Lane’s new camp coordinator, Crystal is already hard at work to ensure that this summer’s camp session is both memorable and meaningful.

“I am looking forward to making connections with the kids and the families,” she shared. “I am excited that I get to watch everything fall into place with camp planning and watch God work while at camp with all the long-lasting connections and relationships we will experience.”

Crystal became part of the Victory Lane community after moving back to Indiana and bringing Ruby to 321Go Kids for therapy treatment. Ruby was born with a brain development disorder called Lobar Holoprosencephaly. While in therapy, Ruby and Crystal learned about Victory Lane. During their first camp session, they connected with new friends and Crystal felt the love and support of the Victory Lane community.

“I love being a part of Victory Lane,” Crystal explained. “God has led me to become a part of this amazing community and family.”

Crystal is already hard at work planning camp activities, communicating with Victory families, and lining up Partner families. She’s also thinking ahead to after-camp events to keep relationships thriving outside of the camp experience. While at camp, she will stay active both in her role as camp coordinator and experiencing the reunion with her Victory Lane friends.

If you are interested in serving as a Partner family or are interested in more information about camp, contact Crystal at 765-591-4191 or visit