Chili Cook-off Tradition Returns

As the weather begins to cool down, that can only mean one thing… Victory Lane Chili Cook-off! This event is put on each year to reconnect families and provide the opportunity for others to learn about the community. For this year’s cook-off there will be an exclusive group of judges and a costume contest.

The Chili Cook-off will run from 4-7 pm at Cornerstone Campground on Saturday, November 2. Attendees can enjoy chili, desserts, fellowship, and more Victory Lane fun! You will be able to vote for your favorite chili recipe; the cost is $1 per vote. All proceeds will go towards the VLC Family Scholarship Fund. This fund aids families who are unable to pay for the costs of camp but would still like to attend.

Christine Carey’s family will be participating in their third Chili Cook-off, returning as reigning champs of the contest. They became a part of this event because they wanted to keep in touch with the “family” that they made at a Victory Lane camp session. They didn’t mind the hour drive it took for them to get to the event, they just wanted to be with the community again.

“My favorite part is watching our son become closer to the other kids in the group,” Christine said. “It’s like a reunion and he gets to reconnect with them each year.”

This year’s Chili Cook-off will have an array of celebrity judges, including Miss Indiana and Mr. and Miss Henry County. There will also be a costume contest, so be sure to wear a costume!

“It’s amazing to know someone else wants to be a part of your life and you can trust them to be there for you,” Christine added. “This isn’t something you see every day, but it should be… for everyone. Victory Lane is making this happen one family at a time.”

For more information on the Victory Lane Chili Cook-off visit We hope to see you all on November 2!